For the CPT Im thinking about adding some object oriented programming and maybe tweaks to the images. For example, when the user clicks the “find which car best matches your preference” button, I am looking to add more from previous lessons within class. I want to add a filter to images with an onclick function which shows that uses numPY. However I would like to add more to it by cleaning up the frontend and the backend by making it look nicer and adding a cleaner perspective, also I would like to clean junk from the flask such as and other things making it differentiate from other projects. With a backend perspective in order to finish my project I Would like add a OOP function that when something it clicked with booked it updates and changes leaving my project to be better. I will also keep space and time complexity in mind in order to make sure that the least time and space is used in the program while ensuring that the best product is visible for everyone to see.