Video 1

  • Types of Errors:
  • Logic Error: Mistake in a program which causes it to give the output incorrectly or unexpectedly.
  • Syntax Error: Mistake in the program which leads to program failure or incorrect output. Usually occurs when coding rules are not followed.
  • Runtime Error: Mistake in the program when it is executed
  • Overflow Error: Error that happens when a computer handles a number greater than a set threshold or limit.

Video 2

  • We can correct errors by doing the following:
  • Test cases, hand tracing
  • visualizations
  • debuggers and extra output statements

Video 3

  • testing uses defined inputs to ensure that the program is working as desired.
  • testing of results are used to revise the program
  • It should demonstrate the different expected outcomes that are at or beyond the min / max of input data
  • Requirements essential to defining testing inputs.


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