
  • A college professor surveyed Yale University’s student body and noticed that a lot of people were stressed
  • It affected their learning environment and negatively affected the student body and endeavors of Yale University
  • There are many fallacies such as GI-Joe
  • Knowing your mental situation is half the battle, and taking action is the other half
  • They excitedly come to Yale but cannot function properly because of their depression or other mental situation

What I learned

  • 40% of students are extremely stressed
  • 1/3 are so depressed that it is hard for them to function properly
  • 40% feel hopeless in school
  • 60% of people have developed a large amount of anxiety
  • It is crazy that people are stressed to an extent that they cannot function properly at school, even in a prestigious university like Yale.
  • It makes me want to regularly check myself and make sure I am not overly stressed to an extent where my performance drops.

Group Member Takeaways

  • Derek said that it was interesting how stress is everywhere and many people have it, but find it hard to deal with. He felt connected to some statistics and it made him feel that we are not alone when we are unhappy at times.
  • Dillon was surprised aat how much stress and anxiety college students have in the academic environment. He worries about himself as a result and always takes time to reflect and make sure he is under control.
  • Saavan thought the video was very informational and believes that it is very important to work towards stress relief as a means of living a happier life.

I Am Thankful For…

  • my parents
  • my computer
  • my teachers for fostering a great learning environment
  • my bike so I can go places
  • my drivers license so I can actually drive.