Me and Dillon made an app and quiz using AppLab

  • it was fun lol xd
  • We were introduced to JavaScript and used it in our app through block codes. We were able to see the plaintext when we changed a few settings.
  • Our quiz was about Major League Baseball (again) and our app consisted of a drop down menu which gave a brief overview about the major wars fought by the West in the 20th century (World War I, World War II, Cold War)
  • Our quiz has 10 questions and our app had 3 sections, one for each question and / or major event.
  • We got the program to work without facing too many setbacks
  • We included a lot of “on event” commands to allow for easy app and quiz navigation
  • We found the overall process to be easy, but it was tedious writing the same “on event” command function over 10-20 times.

Key Takeaways

  • AppLab is a great little platform to see how certain commands and variables work
  • With the right planning and execution, a task which may seem hard at first gets a lot easier
  • The data appeared to be stored in each screen, and the OnEvent command would allow for the code to call the input.
  • Resembled data abstraction

  • You can view the quiz here
  • You can view the app here

  • Here is the plan that me and Dillon made before coding the app and the quiz:
Component Plan / Execution
Home Page Have an image of the MLB logo. Place a button below the logo and the quiz begins when we press start.
Questions Here we can have all sorts of questions MLB related, such as MVP races, team names, trades, and more
Aesthetic Appeal We can place images beside each question to make the screen look full. We can adjust the theme so it is easy on the eye.