Presentation Refection

Last trimester, the project was not as me and my group intended. There were many holes due to inexperience and consistent crashes. However, this trimester, my group and I were able to get a very good presentation running and was able to show a much more complete product than last trimester. Although I could have fixed a few things regarding the look and feel of the project, I was able to show exactly what I wanted to show. The connection between the API and the frontend was always shaky, so I had to put some other Javascript into the program in order to make the buttons work as expected. However, I was happy that the other elements of the program worked, and I was definetely happier with this performance than last tri’s performance.

Night At The Museum Overall Experience

Overall this NATM felt more organized and less chaotic than last trimester. The CSP room had fewer people and it was evident that there were certain stations for each group. Even the room across from A101 was not as crowded and chaotic. I had a lot of fun listening to the band and orchestra that was on display, as well as the display of digital and contemporary art in various classrooms.

Evaluation 1

I liked the shape of the donuts and the workspace around it. It is reminiscent of an earlier computer animation project that I did in freshman year. It is fairly detailed with foreground and background. I liked the lighting and the overall orientation of every object in the artwork. One thing I would have liked to see was a larger donut… I am very confused as to what the main point of the image is. I would want to see a more prominent foreground, as all elements seem like they are overlapping each other.

Evaluation 2

I liked the shape of the teapot. It is very realistic, and considering that it is made from ceramic material, it feels ancient and gives a nice feeling of old. The realism is very prominent in the artwork. I would have liked more color. It may not need to be as ornate as other designs and ceramic artworks, but some color would make it feel all the more real, and perhaps even enhance the ancientness that comes with it.