Patents often issued for people / companies who are innovating copyright claims are given to producers and creators This is often done to protect the originality of the works of creators, and to ensure that others don’t steal them This power should not be abused, as people can often get frustrated when they want to use other people’s music or other products for harmless purposes. some demand royalties for music and other copyrighted things. Each GitHub repo has a certain key, as well as fastpages. Certain digital rights should not be infringed upon.

Big Idea 5.6 –> Safe Computing

It is easy to get into scams and other things which may look enticing, but have very bad consequences. It is important that we stay safe on the internet. Using AdBlockers always help, as scams and viruses often take the form of ads. 2FA (2-Factor Authentication) allows for a more secure login process, and ensures that the user is the real person who created the account. Certain things are encoded and decoded using a key. This is also seen in the Fastpages and GitHub keys. VPNs help keep your IP hidden, and allow for safer browsing on public wifi Senior Citizens and young users are more likely to succumb to scams and stuff since they are not experienced internet users. Using VPNs, incognito, and other IP masking / secure methods would allow for safe computing and less data theft.