Benefits of Computing

  • Communication: Messages can be sent instantaneously through a phone or laptop, instead of waiting days for mail or wait for a face to face connection. People can send links and use the internet, which may make for more interesting and lasting conversations.
  • Opportunities: computing and networking allow for easy job searches, such as finding internships or researching which college to go to. Nowadays, a lot of activities and opportunities are posted on the internet, it is just a matter of finding it.
  • Knowledge: The internet is full of information on any and every topic. One can easily educate themselves through google searches, website articles, and videos posted online.

Some Harmful Effects of Computing

  • Hacking: there are hackers out there trying to steal data, information, and other things which are often meant only for that person. Credit card data, SSNs, and other private info is often stolen
  • Cyberbullying is huge, as people can go online completely anonymous and pick on a person of their choice. They do not get caught often due to them being completely anonymous.
  • Addiction: Some apps are designed to hook people onto the platform, and sometimes it works. Addiction can make us forgo our responsibilities and have many detrimental effects on productivity and certain performances in the long run.

Dopamine Effects

  • When one is on social media or playing a video game, the dopamine effect is real. This is why video games can be seen as a stress reliever at times, but if done too much, it can cause addiction. Video games used to impact my personal studies and projects, but I have largely kept it in check.

The Digital Divide

  • One person can empower themselves in the digital world by obtaining a computer or phone. As long as they have internet access and a computer at their disposal, they have the power to leverage the digital world.
  • Someone who is empowered can donate their devices to people in need, and allow them to access the digital world and leverage it for their gain.
  • I run a nonprofit with a few friends called the Technology Relief Initiative, which collects old, damaged, and / or other unused devices, refurbish them, and donate them to the underprivileged. We have collected, refurbished, and donated nearly 200 devices to refugees and other underprivileged students in San Diego. We plan on going further and reaching out to other counties and cities in the future.