Performance Task 3

Category Points Awarded Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 0 The video showed a clear demonstration of what was supposed to happen in the code. However, the written explanation left a lot to be desired. I did not see a problem being solved or some creative interest being pursued.
Data Abstraction 1 Two code segments were shown. One had a list and the other had the list in action.
Managing Complexity 1 The student implemented an array to store more than one variable, and explained what would happen if the array was not there.
Procedural Abstraction 1 The student had a set procedure which went over what goes on in the code. Multiple procedures are included. Parameters are also clearly defined.
Algorithm Implementation 1 The student defines the function which is being used, and describes the loops / iterations.
Testing 1 Calls were tested and the student did give one example.

Performance Task 4

Category Points Awarded Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 1 The program clearly works, the video shows everything the student wanted to show, and the program purpose does involve some creative aspect and interest being pursued.
Data Abstraction 1 The student shows that the user types three things in, and the input is stored as a list. It is then used to generate a poem.
Managing Complexity 1 Explains why the list manages complexity, and states that the student would have to use many variables to account for each item in the list.
Procedural Abstraction 1 The student explicitly states the parameters and how they follow a set procedure. The code segment shows where the calling occurs.
Algorithm Implementation 1 The student thoroughly explains the algorithm used, and specifies the use of selections and iterations.
Testing 1 Both calls are described, including how it works and what the desired result is.

Performance Task 5

Category Points Awarded Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 1 The student gives the purpose of the program, and it works as per the video.
Data Abstraction 1 There are lists being used in the program, and other code segments are properly showing that list in use.
Managing Complexity 1 The student mentions the effectiveness of the list, and the consequences of not using one.
Procedural Abstraction 1 The student clearly mentions what procedure they are using, and how it contributes to the overall code.
Algorithm Implementation 1 The student uses a series of loops and list optimization in order to produce an effective program.
Testing 1 Two calls are used, and the student explains the result and the intentions of both the calls.

Performance Task 6

Category Points Awarded Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 1 The student clearly shows the program purpose, and what the creative intent was behind it.
Data Abstraction 1 There is a list called “guesses” and the following code segments show the list in use.
Managing Complexity 1 Mentions how the user might have infinite guesses, and that it can get very complicated when trying to figure out which letter is right or in the right place.
Procedural Abstraction 1 The student does explain the procedure, and lists the parameters which the code fulfills.
Algorithm Implementation 1 There is an algorithm called “check answer” with a series of if / then statements.
Testing 1 There are two calls utilized, and the implementations and desired results are shown.

Performance Task 7

Category Points Awarded Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 1 The student gives the purpose of the program, and it works as per the video.
Data Abstraction 0 The student met only 2 of the three required criteria for data abstraction. The 2nd code segment does not show the data being accessed from the list.
Managing Complexity 0 The lists and correspondants could have easily been written in another way.
Procedural Abstraction 0 The student does not mention how the procedures contributes to the overall program.
Algorithm Implementation 1 The student uses an algorithm and uses sequencing, iteration, and selection to execute the program.
Testing 1 Two calls are used, and the student explains the result and the intentions of both the calls.

Performance Task 8

Category Points Awarded Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 1 The student gives the purpose of the program, and it works as per the video.
Data Abstraction 1 There are lists being used in the program, and other code segments are properly showing that list in use.
Managing Complexity 1 The student mentions the effectiveness of the list, and the consequences of not using one.
Procedural Abstraction 1 The student clearly mentions what procedure they are using, and how it contributes to the overall code.
Algorithm Implementation 1 The student uses a series of loops and list optimization in order to produce an effective program.
Testing 1 Two calls are used, and the student explains the result and the intentions of both the calls.

Performance Task 9

Category Points Awarded Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 1 The student gives the purpose of the program, and it works as per the video.
Data Abstraction 0 There are lists being used in the program, and other code segments are properly showing that list in use.
Managing Complexity 0 The student mentions the effectiveness of the list, and the consequences of not using one.
Procedural Abstraction 0 The student clearly mentions what procedure they are using, and how it contributes to the overall code.
Algorithm Implementation 0 The student uses a series of loops and list optimization in order to produce an effective program.
Testing 0 Two calls are used, and the student explains the result and the intentions of both the calls.

Performance Task 10

Category Points Awarded Explanation
Program Purpose and Function 1 The student gives the purpose of the program, and it works as per the video.
Data Abstraction 1 The description for the list is inaccurate.
Managing Complexity 1 The student does not mention how the code could be rewritten without the list.
Procedural Abstraction 1 The student clearly mentions what procedure they are using, and how it contributes to the overall code.
Algorithm Implementation 1 The student uses a series of loops and list optimization in order to produce an effective program.
Testing 1 Two calls are used, and the student explains the result and the intentions of both the calls.