First Piece: Banana Dolphin

Dolphin Banana

What I Like About This Piece

  • It is very creative. I like how they thought about the similarities in shape of a dolphin and a banana, and made it into a piece which resembles both.
  • Really liked the tail of the dolphin as it looks like the inside of a banana peel. Very creative indeed.

Some Minor Things

  • It looks a little too perfect for a banana. Most bananas develop black spots as they ripen. Maybe if they wanted for a more realistic interpretation of a banana, they could add a few black spots here and there, and it would not take away from the beauty of the dolphin.

  • Overall Rating: 9/10

Second Piece: Setting The Earth On Fire

Setting The Earth On Fire

What I Like About This Piece

  • Everything is drawn realistically. The hand is nicely drawn, the lighter is setting the Earth ablaze, and I really like how the artist showed the area in and around Antarctica is on fire as a result of the lighter. There could be many themes which could be derived from this pice.

Some Minor Things

  • It was a little hard to tell whether the white on the Earth was ice or clouds. They were painted with the same color. If there was a little contrast between the two, it would probably make the Earth actually look like the Earth with distinct clouds and ice patches.

  • Overall Rating: 9.5/10