Term Description
Addition Symbol + Adds integers and other data
Subtraction Symbol - Subtracts integers and other data
Multiplication Symbol * Multiplies integers and other data
Division Symbol / Divides integers and other data
Modulus Symbol % Takes the modulus of numerical data
Exponent Symbol ** Takes numerical values and adds an inputted power to it.
Algorithm A way of performing a taskā€¦
Index Position of something in a data set
Concatenation Combining multiple strings
Length Number of characters in a string
Substring Part of a string
Pseudocode Program written in plain English in order to lay out the framework of the program
Packages Allow a person to import methods from a library
Library Database where certain commands, executions, and other information is stored (largely in python)
Procedure named group of programming instructions that may have parameters and return values
Parameters input values Arguments: specify the values of parameters
Prodecural Abstraction name or a process that allows for an understanding of the procedure
Boolean True or false statement
Binary 0s and 1s which are interpreted by the computer in order to output characters (or vice versa)
logical operators operators used to produce boolean results